Montag, 13. Juni 2011

second thoughts

...and then the fun started.

for some reason all the fairy-tales always end with the happy couple getting together and married and living happily ever after.
i really don't understand why.
i mean, were they ever going to talk about what happened on the way back from the wedding?! what was the wedding night like?! (of course, that's not a kid's discussion, but still...) and last but not least - how the hell did the happy couple manage to be 'happily ever after' this all the long-long-ever-after time?!

so, i decided there was finally time someone would tell you the truth. 
so let's start where it REALLY is starting...

the Prince and the Princess finally got married. the wedding was outrageously beautiful - with flowers everywhere, with perfect music, perfect food and, of course, perfect weather. everyone was incredibly touched during the ceremony and had enormous fun afterwards, dancing. all in all, everything was perfect. or, at least, so it seemed from the outside...
no one knew though, that the Prince's parents made the Princess' life before the wedding to hell. why oh why, you wonder? 
well, this story is as old as the world is, so I am asking you - did you ever see that the husband's parents REALLY approve of the wife?! especially, if that's the youngest and the most wished son. especially if he is a true Prince to his bones, always listening what the parents say and following their advices all his life... and then, some cute Princess comes along and steals him from them and the young couple is doing everything possible the parents would never approve of?!
so, the Prince's parents thought they should take some steps immediately! 
first, they hired a wizard. well, of course, no one knew he was one. 'do whatever you must do, just don't let them marry!', they commanded. surely, they did not want to harm anyone. but, well, sometimes the harm done to the soul - although not seen from the outside - is the worst way to damage someone.
and the wizard did his job. the Princess and the Prince were fighting and sorrow covered the wedding preparations...
in the end the wedding still happened, because it was a royal couple - and royal weddings do not get cancelled just like that! and, in the end, it was all perfect on that day. even the Prince's parents seemed joyful and danced the royal waltz. but... the sad seed was planted in the Princess' soul, and it would grow and slowly spoil it.

a year after, the couple still was not happy. our Princess was quite independent and wished to pursue a career of an alchemist, since she was always interested why and how all things become what they are. she did not want to sit at home and be a housewife and just always look nice for the guests! 
the trouble was, this was just what the Prince thought, a royal family must be... and he always expected her to be thankful for ALL THAT HE DID for her to win her heart and her hand. 
with all these things, no wonder there was always tension and sorrow in the castle!
and then, one fine day, the Princess decided to leave. she went to the Prince and said 'you know, I do not want to be a Princess anymore... this life is not made for me! you can do whatever you want to please your parents - but I am not who they want me to be. I am a different person, and you don't even know me!' and then she left, god knows where...
the Prince was shocked. 
what should he do now? all his life was there - as he thought - to find a beautiful Princess, win her heart, get married and... well, live happily ever after. and now all went wrong! why?!
he started thinking. he discovered, he did not like to ride horses and fight dragons at all. as a matter of fact, he even found the dragons to be really fascinating animals! how did they produce this fire inside their body? how could they fly being so huge? he started to read tractates about them and soon was totally swallowed by this new interest...
seeing that, his parents became very worried. surely, they were happy when the Princess left the castle - finally, they thought, the Prince would see that she was not worth it and realize they were always right about her! but, instead, such a shame, he was becoming a veterinary! what to do?! they went to the wizard again and begged him to do something. but, you see, the wizard already grew old and happy, and did not want to do very much harm anymore. so, he went to the Prince and just told him that his parents are dissatisfied with him, and he also told him why...
wow, thought the Prince. and these are my parents! noway, he thought then. noway I am going to listen to that anymore! he tried to speak to his parents and explain them how clever dragons are and that he does not blame the Princess and...
but the parents did not listen. and then he said 'well then! I do not want to be a Prince anymore! this life is not made for me! you can do whatever you want - but I am not who you want me to be. I am a different person, and you don't even know me!' 
and then he realized that these were the exact same words that his Princess told him while leaving...
and he realized, that he REALLY did not know who she was. the same as she did not know who he was. and, actually, he decided, it would be quite interesting to find it out!
he left the castle and travelled long long days and weeks and months.
and they he found her in a nicely decorated cave where she was performing her alchemist experiments...
and at first she did not even recognize him, he changed so much...
and they talked long long days and weeks and months.
and it was all so new and different and interesting.
and then she turned his wooden shoes into gold.
and then he showed her his pet dragon flying in the night sky and they kissed, standing on a hill.
and then they went to the old and happy wizard and asked him to get them married FOR REAL this time.
and then, well, sorry but... they really lived long and happily, ever after...

so now. as girls, we always wish to be princesses and marry a prince on a white horse.
but I don't want to be a princess anymore.
I just want to be The Princess for someone. someone, who does not want to be a prince. but The Prince, for me. even with a pet dragon...